How can I improve my HVAC efficiency? That’s a question that our technicians hear time and time again and for good reason. While electronics and other appliances claim a growing portion of our daily energy usage, the US Department of Energy states that almost half of our energy consumption still comes from heating and cooling.
So, what happens if we improve our home HVAC energy efficiency? We get huge savings on our utility bills! Today, we’ll talk about how to reduce heating and cooling costs each day. By the end of our discussion, you should be able to craft your winning energy strategy! Let’s get started.
How to Reduce HVAC Power Consumption
Thanks to modern advancements in HVAC energy efficiency, you’re almost guaranteed to find a heating or cooling system that offers improvements over your current model. While that represents a significant investment, the energy savings are usually worth the cost (especially if you already need a replacement). However, you will need to make sure that your new system’s output matches the demands of your home or business.
- Efficiency Ratings
- Great Solutions
- Replacement Costs
What is a Good Energy Efficiency Rating?
There are three efficiency ratings that consumers should pay attention to EER, SEER, and HSPF. EER examines the amount of electricity an AC unit consumes and compares that figure with its cooling output. Think of it as a snapshot of your system while it’s working under difficult conditions. Some of the most highly rated HVAC products fall between 12 – 14 EER ratings.
SEER measures the same figures, albeit under more favorable temperatures over an entire season. Government-required minimums start at 13 or 14, but scores may go as high as 25. While any score within that range offers capable efficiency, many homeowners aim for a score between 20 – 21.
HSPF, or heating seasonal performance factor, is the same as SEER, but for heating systems. It examines heating performance over an entire season. Aim for a score between 9.5 – 12.
Does HVAC Maintenance Save Energy?
While upgrading to a newer, more efficient HVAC model is nice, not every homeowner has the budget or need to replace their system. There are numerous ways to save that don’t require making a large purchase. Maintenance and usage habits make a greater impact on your energy consumption than you realize!
- Leave it on
- Reducing Costs
Is it More Efficient to Leave Air Conditioning On?
While some would try to complicate the issue, the answer comes down to simple math. More run time, even in the most advanced air conditioning systems, equals more time where energy is consumed. Air conditioning systems may reach peak efficiency at maximum output, but that doesn’t mean you should always keep your system turned on.
Find Your Energy-Saving Options!
Want more information about enhancing your home’s utility savings? Our team at Main Street Heating & Cooling would love to talk with you about HVAC energy efficiency in Salt Lake City and Sandy, UT. Consult with one of our friendly, knowledgeable HVAC technicians at (385) 422-2232!